Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rice Cereal!

Hey Sage,

I had an awesome time visiting you in Houston this weekend. And now that your ceremony is done, you get to eat solid food! This is such good news for a hungry baby. I was there for your first meal, and you loved it. Some babies take forever to learn how to eat, but you were a pro almost right away. You knew to swallow and everything. Good job!

You are truly beautiful. Seriously, girl. Here's one shot I really like:

You are so curious. You love your sister. Whenever she's around, you watch her run and play and it's easy to tell that you can't wait to get going, playing with her. Soon, friend, soon.

Things we did during this visit:

- walked to the park and around the block while your sister was riding her bike.
- dangled our feet in the pool. Boy did you love that!
- danced and jiggled you on my lap and laughed at your hysterical face during that.
- laughed a lot. You are a big laugher.
- read some books.
- watched you sitting up all by yourself and loving it.

We'll see you again in August. Can't wait for you to visit Boston for the first time.

Love you,

Auntie K

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Who do you look like?

Hey Sageness,

Who the heck do you look like? I have no idea. Maybe Papa/Stephen. :)

Not happy. :)

This was too hilarious not to post.

Love you,

Auntie K

Saturday, April 2, 2011

One for the Books

Hey Sage,

I've been mulling over how to write up this post to you ever since your Mommy texted me last night. Here goes.

You and your family were driving from home in Houston to Dallas last night, about a four-hour ride. I got one report that you were screaming and your sister was watching Madeline on the car DVD player. Okay. Pretty normal. I was watching a show online that your mom had watched the night before, so we were texting back and forth about that. Then, all of a sudden, in the middle of the conversation, this text came through:

"Just nursed Sage while driving!"

I read this first line, and was horrified. How was it possible that your parents, two of the most safety conscious people I know, allowed you to be unbuckled during a car ride? No way! I thought.

Then I read the second line:

"Hung over her face in car seat!"

Oh my gosh! I felt better that you were safely still snug in your car seat, but now I'm picturing Mommy, unbuckled and in some insane position, making sure you didn't go hungry.

I think this is and will remain one of the greatest stories of your infant-hood. But, because of its delicate nature, I am going to ask your mommy first if I can put it on your blog. So right now, I'm saving this, and then I'm going to email it to her. Once she agrees, I'll put it up so forevermore, you know how much your mom loves you!

Love you,

Auntie K